Zona Maco 2015: Helen Rebekah Garber, Nicolas Lobo, Los Jaichackers (Julio César Morales and Eamon Ore-Girón), and Eva Schlegel

February 4 - 8, 2015 

Gallery Wendi Norris presents works by Helen Rebekah Garber, Nicolas Lobo, Los Jaichackers (Julio César Morales and Eamon Ore-Girón), and Eva Schlegel.


The Gallery exhibits a new video and series of photographs by Mexican artists Julio César Morales and Eamon Ore-Girón who work collaboratively as Los Jaihackers. With this latest body of work, Subterranean Homesick Cumbria, the artists trace hybrid musical traditions through the Americas, from cumbria to zydeco, to explore political and cultural histories, including the trajectories of migrations. The artists continue their quest to unravel deceptions surrounding issues of identity, labor and memory, unmasking powerful connections that transcend individual cultures and illuminate the human spirit.


The booth features new photographs by Viennese artist, Eva Schlegel. These photographs obstruct the identity of female figures in larger-than life photographs. Her subjects are unattainable every women, shrouded through the lens of her camera. The physical characteristics of her subjects are blurred, camouflaged so that the viewer is unable to examine their specificities. She playfully elicits the tension between the construct of feminine perfection that an individual woman creates for herself with the restraints of reality.


The Gallery shows a new sculpture by Miami-based American artist Nicolas Lobo, a prankster whose work merges the playful with the sinister. His human-sized, “Napalm Scholar Stone” is a sculpture made from once highly flammable napalm poured over styrofoam and later covered by a layer of play-dough. Simultaneously toy-like and cunningly dark, the abstract form references the human body and biomorphic structures such as coral, all with an artificial undertone inherent to the chemical materials.


The Gallery debuts a new painting by Los Angeles-based American painter Helen Rebekah Garber who is known for her near monochromatic, thickly layered painted canvases. Mask-like geometries populate the surfaces of her works, suggesting icons of Renaissance altarpieces, stained glass windows and even African ceremonial effigies. Ancient imagery sourced from myriad cultures and traditions emerge and dissolve as Garber evokes mystical beings of indistinct origin.