

140 Maiden Lane, San Francisco, CA


Gallery Wendi Norris, in collaboration with Whitewall Magazine and ISAIA, proudly presents Broken Lines, a curated exhibition within Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic San Francisco landmark, 140 Maiden Lane.


Constructed in 1948, Wright’s euphoric, cylindrically-oriented setting gives way to contemporary notions of borders, beautiful decay, and playful uses of art media as modes of contemplation. Art works by gallery artists Julio César Morales, Yamini Nayar, Miguel Angel Ríos, Eva Schlegel, and Peter Young elegantly punctuate the space with both confrontational and congruous gestures.


Eva Schlegel’s site-specific mirror installation greets the viewer upon entry, presenting an infinite reflection of Wright's signature cylindrical lines. Nayar’s large scale photo, "Transference", reveals a Brutalist architectural approach, with complete regard for function over form, a stark contrast to that of Wright’s. Ríos’s “Piedras Blancas” photo documentation, hysterically depicts a grouping of thousands of handmade clay balls from his critically-acclaimed film which serves as a metaphor for human and drug trafficking. Morales’ “Broken Line”, a red neon drawing of the US/Mexico border is installed across from his life-sized silver ceramic "Wetback Burrito" sculptures, a captivating, radiant manifestation of a socio-political hotspot. Finally, Young’s Weave acrylic paintings on canvas and paper from the 1970s masterfully reference the weave, a nod to the exquisite ISAIA line.

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