Observing the Unknown: Rohini Devasher and Kim Beil in Conversation

January 30, 2024

The Minnesota Street Project Foundation and Gallery Wendi Norris are delighted to present Observing the Unknown: Rohini Devasher and Kim Beil in Conversation. Delhi-based artist Rohini Devasher and Stanford art history professor Kim Beil discuss their shared interests in the intersections of art and astronomy. This conversation is part of the programming for "One Hundred Thousand Suns," Devasher’s first solo institutional exhibition in the U.S.


Kim Beil teaches art history at Stanford University and her writing appears in The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Believer, and Cabinet, as well as many art magazines. Her book Anonymous Objects: Inscrutable Photographs and the Unknown will be released this winter by SBPH and MACK Books.


Rohini Devasher (b. 1978, New Delhi, India) works with video, painting, printmaking, drawing, installation, and other mediums, to map the complexities of ecology, cosmology, and technology viewed through the twin lenses of wonder and the strange. The theoretical grounding of her work draws from the history of science, philosophy, speculative fiction, and eco-horror. Devasher holds a BFA in painting from New Delhi’s College of Art and an MFA in printmaking from the Winchester School of Art at the University of Southampton in the UK. She is co-represented by Gallery Wendi Norris in San Francisco, California, and Project 88 in Mumbai, India.